Why should you download my weather app?
‘ATsWeatherToGo’ has been an unbelievable hit thanks to you guys and has been downloaded 32,000 times since it was released just over a month ago. A ton of 5 star reviews from both Apple and Android keeps moving it up the charts as one of the best weather apps out there and it’s FREE! My app is even being used world wide as per the graphic shown below, which is very cool! I do have plans to add international weather soon to help in vacation planning!
So there are a few things that really help this app stand out from the others:
1. Very little drain on the battery
2. Still adding content that you, the user, craves, just ask for it!
3. Gives you advanced warning of a tornado before it even develops using the exclusive SAF-T-Net feature which you can set for 4 areas; home, work, school, and mobile. *adding additional school locations soon!
4. An exclusive custom push notification alert from me. An example could be: “heads up, storms developing in 15 minutes” for say one person or those located in a town or at a football game. Another example: “a tornado is heading to xyz elementary” which would notify all of the users that have a certain school set as their SAF-T-Net location. The possibilities are endless and all designed to give you as much notice as possible of dangerous weather. Rest assured, if you get a personal notification from me, it’s probably not going to be good news!
5. Many other reasons with a lot of social media integration, just play around with it and see what’s there!
If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a shot. Let the reviews speak for themselves! And please if you like it, add to the reviews so others can try it out. Download it here today and please share this post! Thanks! -AT
Apple: http://appsto.re/us/gk-SX.i
Android: http://bit.ly/1gKoYMP