Above Ground Tornado Shelter Failed
Well, this is the first case I’ve seen of a failure of an above ground tornado shelter which caused the loss of life inside. This is unfortunate. The weakest link is the door. Just like your home’s weakest link is your garage door. Once penetrated it allows for debris, pressure and wind to take hold. I’m sure this company and the design will be investigated. There are a lot of storm shelter companies out there. Make sure yours builds according to FEMA guidelines. Also, tests have shown above ground shelters are effective and safe but they are loud, ear plugs a must! Picture courtesy of the Tulsa NWS, and thanks to my colleague Mike Collier for sharing.
Short article found here: http://www.krmg.com/news/news/local/governor-mary-fallin-declares-state-of-emergency-i/nfjtS/