DNA Testing – My Journey to Better Health

Hi everyone!
DNA Testing is the latest thing in being healthy long term, so I’m jumping in on the action! Follow my journey as I take the next step in maximizing my quality of life through gene expression! Watch my 60 second introduction video here to learn more about what kind of things I’ll find out about myself! And don’t worry, they don’t test for anything morbid. It’s the fun, fit, sexy, healthy gene selection and completely confidential!
Here I show you how easy it is to do your own DNA Test. The difference between this company and others is that they perform specific key mutations which are important to your health. They sequence the most important genes with exceptional genotyping platforms. This way your results are more accurate as they are being processed.
[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/Kzj6kuKuWqk”]
So stay tuned for more video updates as I receive my results and discuss them with you. I can’t wait!
Also, I was able to secure a special promo code to grab your DNA test at a discount! Visit: https://karmalife.ca/ and enter promo code: ATsFitClub Talk soon! -AT