Closed Captioning Now Available During Live Severe Weather Coverage

This is a game changer for on-line live severe weather coverage!!! On-the-fly Closed Captioning is here!!! You asked and I delivered!!!
My first use of closed captioning to cover a tornado warning Saturday night March 23rd, 2019
Up until now there was no method to provide real-time CC during live storm coverage. The best thing I could do was to post process, adding CC later. Obviously that doesn’t help when you need the information immediately. This year that changes as live cloud streaming is allowing me to showcase this new technology. Is it expensive? Of course, but it’s worth it to help as many of you as possible during life threatening conditions.
How did we get here? YOU got us here with your generous support by joining my Patreon community. I’ve stated many times that when you give to me, I find a way to give it right back in return with added services or products. But I’m not done. As more of you join, I will continue to add additional functionality to my free weather app ATsWeatherToGo with things that will blow your mind! So if you haven’t joined the fast growing community of my Patreon Weather Fans, do so now. For just $1 you can help me help others like we did with live closed captioning.
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