Triple Digit Heat Then Relief
We’ll start the week with more of that 100-degree heat before a cold front moves into the state triggering rainfall with slightly cooler temperatures. Hurricane Debby will hit Florida and cause massive rainfall for the SE coastline.
The Jetstream shows an upper ridge parked to our west with its influence extending across Oklahoma. The good news is that the center stays west of us which means we can get a weak cold front slip through and upper disturbances will rotate around the top and move through on its east side. This will happen starting Thursday. So look for a few showers and storms starting then and continue off/on through the weekend. Temperatures will also drop a bit as a result. The other thing of interest is how Debby will stall across the SE coastline for a couple of days. This will generate massive rainfall for the coast up to 20 inches in some spots leading to disastrous flooding.
Rainfall totals across Oklahoma won’t be that extreme, but this time of year, anything we get is welcomed! The model shown here won’t have the exact placement correct, but the take home is the region covered and potential amounts. Some models give us more, some less.
Finally hot for a few days before the 90s return which will be noticeable. Take it easy out there! -AT