Paypal Fan Support
Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for your kind support of AT’s Weather. Without organic sharing and word of mouth, AT’s Weather wouldn’t be possible!
For those who would like to take it a step further, I’ve offered some support options. In the donate tab there is Facebook, Patreon, Venmo, Bitcoin, and many others. Here I offer another method, and that’s through Paypal.
You can make a one-time donation with the options below:
Use this link for those familiar with
Use this QR code to enter your custom amount:

Use this QR code to enter a pre-selected Tip amount of $1, 5, or 10 dollars:

If you would like to join a monthly support subscription for $2.49, you can do so below:
If you would like to make it a yearly support subscription for $30 and save 2 months you can do so here:
The monthly and yearly subscriptions give you access to the private Facebook group page with bonus content and a more personal interaction. Once you complete the transaction, visit the group and fill out the request to join.
Thank you again for being a supporter! -AT