How to Make ATsWeatherToGo Ad Free!!!

I’ve got some great news! Many of you have requested a paid version of the app to make the Google ads go away. I can understand the frustration of dealing with those things on free products that you use. Unfortunately they are a necessary evil to fund the expense of providing a sophisticated weather app like ATsWeatherToGo to the masses.
I’ve been in a fight with Google over certain ads that won’t close, and while their engineers are looking into it at a snails pace, I’m just blocking the ones that are misbehaving.
So recently I’ve come up with a solution that will benefit everyone. I launched a Patron service through Patreon, SubscribeStar, Facebook, and Paypal. They are platforms used by creators which allows their supporters to sponsor them. All I need is for 5,000 of you to sign up on either platform and I will make the app “Google Ad FREE” for everyone! We’re already at 600+ and counting so this goal should be achievable! For those that didn’t know, it’s because of those 600 patrons I was able to afford to bring you closed captioning during live severe weather coverage!
You can join the lowest tier and gain access to my secret group Facebook Weather page called AT’s Patron Weather. It’s a close-knit community of passionate followers that help each other out. It’s also a place to receive bonus content of live videos, Q&A, and more one-on-one interaction.
Just follow the links below to sign up:
Patreon –
SubscribeStar –
Paypal –
Facebook –
Out of 125,000+ awesome followers, I have no doubt we can reach this goal of 5,000 Patrons! It’s a way to support me and help others at the same time.
If you’re not comfortable supporting me in that fashion, you can always tip me through Paypal or Venmo.
All of these options are also found under the Donate menu tab of my website.
Another way you might choose to support me is through my on-line t-shirt store: I’ve got a few new styles you might like with #TeamAT❤ taking the lead!
Finally, I opened up a storefront on Amazon where I select my choices of weather and health products that many of you may be interested in. You save money and I receive a small commission per purchase using my affiliate link:
With all of that said, I just want to thank you for the support over the years. With your generosity, not only will I be able to make ATsWeatherToGo Google ad free, but I’ll be able to provide more weather products to help keep you and your family safe. It’s a win win for all! -AT